Save and loadΒΆ

The project/script loading area



Contains one or more scripts. A project could be saved/loaded to localStorage and web. It could also be exported as a json file and imported back.


Contains the recorded commands. Depending on users choice, it could be either a module like a login process, or a test which does an end to end task.


Either local or web, which indicates where the script/project is located. Local means localStorage and web is the RITE server.

Start URL

Which URL the script starts from.

load project/script

When you click the text box of project or script, it should prompt you the available names for loads. The normal sequence is to select the location radio button first, pick a project name, and then the script name. As a result, the script should be loaded into the editor. If you move the cursor to the icon next to script box, it will show the script id if any.

Save script

After recording/editing a script, you could enter a script name to save. To avoid the auto complete, you could choose the “New Name” option to enter the name.

Delete script(s)

You could delete any number of scripts within a project in the project details dialog.


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